Tuesday, July 14, 2015

28 Days of Living Live with a Purpose Update

WOW! It has been crazy! With just coming back from vacation and getting back to my life it's hard to go from eating out everyday to cooking for myself. This week I am really focusing on eating healthier and cooking for myself.

 I made hard boiled eggs and have been eating Greek yogurt for breakfast as a healthier choice opposed to cereal. All this month I have been really working on my faith and trying to get to a standpoint where I feel confident talking about it. Also, starting tommorow I will put my routine in place of really being more useful with my time. Tonight, I will fill up some water bottles for the next couple of days so I can keep track of that and also meal prep a couple of things for the rest of the week. I will update you on anything that has changed next week! 

Monday, July 13, 2015

I'm Back!!!! And Look what I got...

I am in LOVE with Bath and Body Works!!!

I always have been and always will and before I came to Nebraska I had a collection of BBW Candles but I decided since I was living in the dorms that I would get rid of them all and now that I am back living in a house I went back to my obsession! CANDLES!

Now, this might look a bit obsessive but there was a sale so I couldn't walk past it. Overall I spent $133.48 and saved $127.25 Wanna see what I got? Keep reading because it's exciting!
Funny story for this one: I didn't mean to get this scent. There was another pink spray that I wanted but it didn't have a lid so I picked up this one and thought it was the same scent and after I got done taking these pictures I put everything away and saw that this was the scent. I smelt it and fell in LOVE! It's very sweet and floral. 
I haven't plugged these in yet because I had one more to plug in but the store associate suggested these to me and I smelt the candles and they smell very clean and welcoming and for Wallflowers that is my goal. It has to be able to blend well with candles and be clean.
I am going to leave the descriptions short because they all smell so good!
Amazon Falls was one of the first ones I picked out because it smelt so clean and it was burning in the store and smelt up the whole store and right outside of the store so I knew this one would be good!

Island Waters is very crisp. I can't explain what it smells like but it has a muskiness to it that smells different then other "island" smells.

Coastal Sun is beautiful! It does have a fruity background to it but it reminds me of my house back home for some reason so I knew I had to buy it!

Pineapple Palm Grass I bought after I smelt the Wall Flower and I knew I had to have it! 

My Absolutely FAVORITE! Ohh!!!! This one just smells like my heaven in a jar! Its a perfect mix of saltiness and fruitiness and it just is full of SMILES! 

White Sand has a very musky scent to it but it smells like an old candle that I used to love!! 

I bought this one because it is a beautiful candle but it also smells beautiful! 

Pink Apple Punch is the fruitiest one I got. Normally, I wouldn't like this much fruitiness but this candle is the perfect mix of apple and sweet fruit!

Watermelon Lemonade was suggested to me by a friend and as soon as I picked it up and smelt it I knew I was in LOVE! It's very fruity and smells just like it looks... PERFECT!

Evergreen is the PERFECT christmas scent. It just smells like a perfect christmas tree decorated with beautiful ornaments! I bought this, first of all, because it was on sale but REALLY it helps me with homesickness. It's hard being away from family and friends but this candle makes me feel like I am surrounded with the people that I love!

That's everything I got this trip and hopefully that will last me at least until Christmas! See you guys Tommorow!!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

One of my favorite Holidays: Fourth of July

I must say Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays. Everybody seems to be so happy and in my small city it reunites everyone. From Elementary school, to the hottest football players in high school everybody seems to gather around the football stadium.

As we watch the hot air balloons come down from the sky and all of the airplanes race by we laugh with our friends and family remembering the joy this holiday brings us. We shoot loud fireworks that almost blast our eardrums but everybody is happy because it's a tradition. We make everything red, white and blue. From Fruit Pizzas to Apple Pie everything has to be red, white and blue.

While some people lay lazily in there pool to watch the fireworks and others roast smore's everybody is doing the same thing at once. Celebrating Life Living in the United States of America. 

How are you celebrating today?

Megan Benson

Friday, July 3, 2015

28 days of Living Life with a Purpose

It’s finally July! I feel like this is the best month to do things a little different. It’s summer. Everybody’s happy and the sun is out everyday! I thought I would also change things up on my blog. On Abby’s page “Just a girl and her blog” she did 31 days to an intentional life but I am going to change it up since it is July 3rd already and I don’t have 31 days. Sooo  I am going to do “28 days of living life with a purpose.

Now, in order to do this I definitely need some credibility (here’s where you come in.) I have set a few goals for myself  that I am going to try my hardest to stick to and write about new things:

-      -  Workout daily
-      -  Come up with a routine and stick to IT
-      -  Write in the calendar how well you did and what messed up. Do you need to change the routine at all?
-      -  Grow your faith.
-       - Get ahead on blog writing
-       - Go to sleep feeling accomplished
-      -  Get at least 8 hours of sleep

I will keep you guys fully updated throughout the month and let you know how this goes but I am excited.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

How I "surprised " my best friend to a trip to Disneyland!

I must say, giving gifts to people is probably my favorite thing in the world and I decided this year that I would take my best friend, Rosemary, to Disneyland I am so excited!! We will be going Thursday, July 2nd (Today!) and we are both jumping out of our pants. I want to go through the steps that I went through in order to get to this point.

Step 1:
Figure out if she wants to go. (Obviously she does because its DISNEYLAND)
Step 2: 
Figure a date out. You might have to change it 5,000 times but thats okay keep trying until you get it right. Just make sure you don't buy the tickets until the day before.
Step 3:
Figure out a budget and STICK TO IT! I decided that I would buy my ticket and our food and she has a annual pass so her ticket is free:) (SCORE!)
Step 4:
Do not give her any hints! If anything completely lead her off the trail. Rosemary is to smart and thought that Disneyland was the surprise but I kept saying NO but she knows me to well that it was hard but I tried really hard. 
Step 5: 
DO NOT, And I repeat, DO NOT let it slip from your mouth when you are talking about it. I was telling her about how that morning is going to work and it completely slipped. I tried to cover it up but nothing worked. She knew. 
Step 6:
Buy cute Mickey Ears to say "Sorry for ruining everything" like these from etsy:
Step 7:
Go to Disneyland and have FUN!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I am officially in California!!!!

I am officially in California!!!! Woo hoo! I haven’t been out here since Christmas and family is definitely one of the things I value. Last time I came to California I had 2 main focuses.
1.     Eat at every restaurant that wasn’t in Nebraska (which meant to eat fast food every day)
2.     See every single friend that I have ever seen.

These were mistakes. I didn’t get to spend much time with my parents and my mom didn’t get to cook for me so I knew this time that had to change.

So, I didn’t post on Facebook about my vacation and only a few people knew that I was going to be here. I don’t have goals or missions to accomplish I just want to spend time with the people I love most and relax. This is a time where I don’t have work or anything else I have to worry about so… Here are a list of things I am doing while I am in California:
1.     Go to the beach with parents.
2.     Disneyland!
3.     Spa Day with Mom
4. Relaxing with my parents
5. Going on Adventures with Rosemary

6.     SLEEP!

I will keep you guys updated on my vacation as I go. See you later!