Monday, July 13, 2015

I'm Back!!!! And Look what I got...

I am in LOVE with Bath and Body Works!!!

I always have been and always will and before I came to Nebraska I had a collection of BBW Candles but I decided since I was living in the dorms that I would get rid of them all and now that I am back living in a house I went back to my obsession! CANDLES!

Now, this might look a bit obsessive but there was a sale so I couldn't walk past it. Overall I spent $133.48 and saved $127.25 Wanna see what I got? Keep reading because it's exciting!
Funny story for this one: I didn't mean to get this scent. There was another pink spray that I wanted but it didn't have a lid so I picked up this one and thought it was the same scent and after I got done taking these pictures I put everything away and saw that this was the scent. I smelt it and fell in LOVE! It's very sweet and floral. 
I haven't plugged these in yet because I had one more to plug in but the store associate suggested these to me and I smelt the candles and they smell very clean and welcoming and for Wallflowers that is my goal. It has to be able to blend well with candles and be clean.
I am going to leave the descriptions short because they all smell so good!
Amazon Falls was one of the first ones I picked out because it smelt so clean and it was burning in the store and smelt up the whole store and right outside of the store so I knew this one would be good!

Island Waters is very crisp. I can't explain what it smells like but it has a muskiness to it that smells different then other "island" smells.

Coastal Sun is beautiful! It does have a fruity background to it but it reminds me of my house back home for some reason so I knew I had to buy it!

Pineapple Palm Grass I bought after I smelt the Wall Flower and I knew I had to have it! 

My Absolutely FAVORITE! Ohh!!!! This one just smells like my heaven in a jar! Its a perfect mix of saltiness and fruitiness and it just is full of SMILES! 

White Sand has a very musky scent to it but it smells like an old candle that I used to love!! 

I bought this one because it is a beautiful candle but it also smells beautiful! 

Pink Apple Punch is the fruitiest one I got. Normally, I wouldn't like this much fruitiness but this candle is the perfect mix of apple and sweet fruit!

Watermelon Lemonade was suggested to me by a friend and as soon as I picked it up and smelt it I knew I was in LOVE! It's very fruity and smells just like it looks... PERFECT!

Evergreen is the PERFECT christmas scent. It just smells like a perfect christmas tree decorated with beautiful ornaments! I bought this, first of all, because it was on sale but REALLY it helps me with homesickness. It's hard being away from family and friends but this candle makes me feel like I am surrounded with the people that I love!

That's everything I got this trip and hopefully that will last me at least until Christmas! See you guys Tommorow!!!!

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