Thursday, July 2, 2015

How I "surprised " my best friend to a trip to Disneyland!

I must say, giving gifts to people is probably my favorite thing in the world and I decided this year that I would take my best friend, Rosemary, to Disneyland I am so excited!! We will be going Thursday, July 2nd (Today!) and we are both jumping out of our pants. I want to go through the steps that I went through in order to get to this point.

Step 1:
Figure out if she wants to go. (Obviously she does because its DISNEYLAND)
Step 2: 
Figure a date out. You might have to change it 5,000 times but thats okay keep trying until you get it right. Just make sure you don't buy the tickets until the day before.
Step 3:
Figure out a budget and STICK TO IT! I decided that I would buy my ticket and our food and she has a annual pass so her ticket is free:) (SCORE!)
Step 4:
Do not give her any hints! If anything completely lead her off the trail. Rosemary is to smart and thought that Disneyland was the surprise but I kept saying NO but she knows me to well that it was hard but I tried really hard. 
Step 5: 
DO NOT, And I repeat, DO NOT let it slip from your mouth when you are talking about it. I was telling her about how that morning is going to work and it completely slipped. I tried to cover it up but nothing worked. She knew. 
Step 6:
Buy cute Mickey Ears to say "Sorry for ruining everything" like these from etsy:
Step 7:
Go to Disneyland and have FUN!

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