Monday, June 22, 2015

How to save money at Target.

So everybody knows Target is the place to go when your craving a shopping trip. Or when you have nothing else to do. Or when its to hot outside to go anywhere else. Or when you just want to be alone. Okay, Target is the place to go anytime of day. Just go. Right now. WAIT! If your going to shop make sure you're at least smart about it. I had my experience with working at Target and I am crazy about saving money! (Look out for my budget plan in tommorow's post) I knew when the people who really wanted to save money walked through my lane. They had these 4 things in hand with them:

Cartwheel: Cartwheel is a free app on your smart phone that is the easiest tool to save money right away when shopping at Target. All you do is you scan the product that your interested in buying. The phone automatically looks for any "Cartwheel coupons" for that product. If there are any then it pulls it up. If you decide to get the item then you press "Add to barcode". Once you do that to all your items you pull up your personal Cartwheel barcode and all the Cashier has to do is scan that one barcode. How easy is that?!

Coupons- Now you guys all know what coupons are but I have not gotten the hang of it and as soon as I am back from vacation I will get it. I even bought a printer so I can print coupons at home. I will figure out how to be smart with coupons. stay tuned.

Reusable bags- Now reusable bags don't save you much (5 cents per bag) but it takes a lot of stress out of your shopping trip. You don't have to figure out what to do with those pesky plastic bags or have to carry them all in. AND you take off 5 cents. A little adds up and you can save quite a bit of money each year by using reusable bags.

Redcard- This next one is a little controversial so I won't rant to long.

Megan, I thought you were against credit cards: I totally am. 100% against credit. BUT these wonderful, amazing things are NOT a credit card. They can be if thats your deal but you choose one or the other when you apply. They are 2 completely different things. The debit card will come straight out of whatever debit card you want it to. So its the same account just a different card. Your still spending the money from your checking account.

But what about the "Target Scam": When I first got my redcard this is what scared me. I did not want to lose money. BUT coming in July they are putting the chips into the card for extra security. Because of the incident that time now there preventing it even more. They are also starting up Apple Pay in august.

Five percent is not enough for me to get a card: Okay, so your like me and you average $50-60 a week for groceries. That's about $200 a month give or take just on groceries and toiletries. Now you take that 5% off and you get $10 off each month which is $120 off each year. Now, that might not sound like a lot to you (it does to me because I am a college student and thats like half of an entire paycheck) so lets do a little more math. We all know that we go to target at least once a year to do a major shopping spree. Whether its moving into a dorm or organizing your room you have to stock up so you spend $400 that day. So THAT DAY if you sign up for the red card you get $20 off. That could be a couple storage totes for FREE.

In the end, even if you just use one of these tools you will be saving more money then you would if you didn't use it. Let me know if you have any more cool tools to use while shopping at Target because this girl LOVES Target.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Megan, I'm an avid blog reader and just wanted to tell you that I love your writing style! It's fun and you come across as very genuine. Also, I have a fun Target tip for you-- it's a website where you can buy gift cards for discounted prices. So like, you can spend $9.25 and get a $10 gift card. It's not a ton (7.5% at Target, some other stores are higher and some are lower), but it adds up, especially on those $400 days! And the site has an A rating from the Better Business Bureau, so it's legit. :) I hope this helps you stretch your Target dollars even further!
