Friday, June 26, 2015

I hate Credit Cards!!!!! Money Series: Day 4! Last day!!

Disclaimer: This is not saying that you are doing anything wrong with your finances. This is my opinion and my story. 

As you can see in the title, I hate credit cards! I don't know if I started hating them before listening to Dave Ramsey and hearing people's testimonies but I am deathly afraid of them. Now, most college students think it's so cool to have credit cards. That means you can spend all the money you want to right?! HA! No!!! Your literally just asking a company if you can barrow money and the way I see it, if I dont have the money to pay for it then it's not happening. (Other then school, thats a different story) Now, if I had an emergency come up and ALL of my resources were gone and I did not have money for it THEN I would get a credit card and cut all things that are not necessities until it is paid off. I would do everything I possibly could to get that away from me!

I babysat the other day and for some reason the little girl and I were talking about credit cards and before we talked I asked her what it meant and she said that you had all the money in the world and can buy whatever you want with it. WHAT?!! So I clearly explained what it meant and now she told me she only wants a debit card! I was so glad!

Well thats it for this blog post. I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know down below what you think. Thanks! Make sure to check out yesterday's blog post about Dave Ramsey's program!

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